I personally think that the elements I chose from art, design and film respectively are quite distinctive, therefore blending them together could either be difficult or quite easy. Before moving to this stage though I had to conduct some research on designers' way of sketching their creations since I had never done something similar up to now. The following are some initial sketches which I did, just to get me into design mode and get the hang of sketching the human figure for a fashion design.
The next step in the design process was to sketch some elements which I chose to adopt from Elsa Schiaparelli's designs. As can be seen below, the material for the dresses is gathered in such as way so as to create a sense of fluidity and movement.
As can be seen below, both the shoulder strap and the train of the dress evoke a sense of movement, with all the lines of the material flowing downwards. I have to keep in mind to emphasize the flow of the material in my final sketch.